Jellycat & more | Jellycat | Jellycat Halloween
Found 14 products.
Jellycat Amuseable PumpkinOur price: £30.00This pumpkin rules the patch!Jellycat Bartholomew Bear PumpkinOur price: £50.00Bartholomew Bear is ready for harvest!Jellycat Carniflore TammieOur price: £45.00
A pot of delight.....Jellycat Miff MothmanOur price: £30.00When twilight comes, look out for Miff Mothman! Jellycat Ooky BatOur price: £18.00Ooky Bat is just waking up and stretching after hibernation! Jellycat Ooky GhostOur price: £14.00Ooky Ghost is quite friendly, really! Jellycat Ooky Jack O LanternOur price: £17.00Ooky Jack O'Lantern is a funky addition to any desk.Jellycat Ooky SpiderOur price: £18.00Scramble on over to meet Ooky Spider! Jellycat Pandora PixieOur price: £32.00 Cheeky but charming!Jellycat Skelebat JimOur price: £25.00Get into goth mode with Skelebat Jim!Jellycat Skeledog DanOur price: £25.00Skeledog Dan is Bob's best friend! Jellycat Skeleton BobOur price: £33.00Parading out of the haunted house, it’s affable Skeleton Bob!Jellycat Vampire Ricky Rain FrogOur price: £40.00If you go down to the haunted pond, you might meet Vampire Ricky Rain Frog! Jellycat Vivacious Aubergine VampireOur price: £20.00Sometimes vegetables bite back!